Ad Agency Lead Generation Has Changed Are You Telling Your Story?

Traditionally, advertising agencies have not completely exploited inbound digital marketing methodology. One of the most popular questions I'm asked by agencies is, "I'm trying to accelerate my Ad Agency Lead Generation, can digital marketing really deliver the results I need?" The short answer is, absolutely, no question, totally, yup, unquestionably... yes!!

Top Ad Agencies have adapted to and embraced critical changes in how potential clients research, how search engines impact traffic and success, resulting in a "reboot" in how they approach lead generation.

Regardless of whether your are the owner, recruitment director or sales person, when your Ad Agency Lead Generation slows, it's time to change your game-plan.

Let's take a look at recent trends in Ad Agency Lead Generation that we should all consider:

More effective budget application

We have witnessed the end of the "strangle hold" old school marketing directors have over marketing budget. For many years, sales teams have been restricted by marketing departments, using pretty visual but ineffectual marketing components.

Lead Generation Website is King

The key resource in your marketing tool-kit is undoubtedly your Ad Agency Lead Generation website. Irrespective of where prospective clients start their research, they will ultimately land on your website and this is when the actual decision to engage or not is usually made. Great targeted content wins a dialogue.

Metrics or Sssshhhhmetrics

Historically, Ad Agency directors have concentrated on the following metrics to measure the performance of their lead generation; leads/mth, cost/lead, ave time on website and bounce rates. Focusing on these metrics alone will give you a general indication, however honing in on more lead generation specific metrics such as; Have your webinars on subject ABC been receiving satisfactory factory registration & attendances? How are the download figures compared to page visits of your eBook landing pages? This will help you fine tune your plan as you consider these numbers to boost your lead generation endeavours.

Don't dismiss paid search

There is an elevated adoption of PPC to drive Ad Agency Lead Generation as Google continues to develop its search engine. PPC is playing a more significant role in early exposure than ever before.

Social media leading the way...

Social media lead generation is now more reliable than ever. But amazingly, many Ad Agencies have abandoned social media to generate leads, just as it emerged like a butterfly from its cocoon to aid the connection and engagement process. If you are still sceptical, simply spend 30 minutes comparing your most successful competitor's Google social media stats with yours and you’ll be reviewing your social accounts before you can say LinkedIn.

Nurture your leads baby

Countless organisations are switching to email to deliver mid-funnel nurturing content. As you never actually know upfront what issues, problems or pain points your prospects experience as they move towards maturity, you need to nurture all of your leads with targeted email. Once your leads are ready to commit, they'll know your brand and will be more likely to call you, furnishing you the perfect opportunity to close the sale.

Key Ad Agency Lead Generation Takeaways

Stand back and analyse your marketing initiatives. Do you think you're genuinely providing prospective clients what they are looking for or is your own marketing placing barriers in the way? Does your website tell your brand story and answer all your prospects questions in detail? Are you connecting and engaging where your prospects hang out? Is your nurturing process keeping your leads focused on your brand or are they being courted by your competitors? Maybe it's time to rethink your Ad Agency Lead Generation game-plan?

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