Marketing In The Thick of Coronavirus Uncertainty

As authorities and public health officials take aggressive action to impede the spread of the coronavirus, virtually everyone and every business is now feeling the affect.

With widespread closures in place, these are uncertain times for everybody. Whilst it may be desirable to tighten the purse strings of your marketing budget, reducing expenditure now may have a substantially more devastating impact on future opportunities. Alternatively, marketers should seek the advice of trusted partners to decide the best way to pivot their marketing strategy to make sure they keep "front of mind" for clientele.

Real Inbound has been collaborating with clients to react effectively to coronavirus worries and make strategic alterations in their marketing communications and lead generation tactics.

Allow me to share a few things your business ought to think about doing:

Adjusting Your Business Delivery Model

Since the recommendations to cancel or postpone large gatherings of people, many organisations have been compelled to reconsider the way in which they do business.

Bar, restaurants, non essential retailers have announced closures of all stores. Even galleries and museums and major tourist attractions, including world famous Disney have temporarily closed. Certain museums are providing virtual tours to help keep tourists engaged at home.

Whilst there is no virtual experience that matched the wonder and excitement of visiting theme parks or going to a concert, social distancing measures are expected to drive more individuals to shop online. Prudent retailers and other companies will take proactive actions to get ready for this, including:

  • Making sure website content is effectively optimised for search
  • Updating GMB page with the most up to date information
  • Enhancing online user experience to boost online conversions
  • Considering new paid advertising solutions, such as social media ads
  • Creating more interesting email marketing campaigns
  • Employing video marketing to attract attention in clients’ already over congested newsfeeds

Recruiting a marketing agency with experience in all these tactics will help you provide your clients an engaging and consistent experience despite how they connect with your brand.

Reassessing Marketing Campaigns

Many brands have postponed scheduled marketing campaigns due to the coronavirus.

American confectioner Hershey altered an advertising campaign that emphasised hugs and handshakes, whilst KFC removed advertising that centred on "finger-licking" after getting complaints that it was inappropriate when we are being reminding about good hygiene practices.


As they steer their way through unprecedented waters, brands need to interact with sensitivity to global concerns. This includes very carefully considering all social media activity and the way they may be received during this crisis.

For example, many organisations in medicine and health, online education, business technology or commercial cleaning are expected to be in even more demand. They might consider how searches pertaining to their services are changing and make sure they have the correct message and content to allow potential clients learn more.

Alternate options to Live Events

The rescheduling of industry events and conferences means that many businesses have lost a principal source of lead generation. Nevertheless, there are many of opportunities to communicate with potential customers if you "think outside the box".

Let's consider a couple of ideas:

  • Hosting a virtual trade showcase, a new microsite or landing page offering "gated" information for example product demos and engaging content
  • Record your conference keynote speech as a video and share it with everybody who was due to attend
  • Encourage other seminar speakers to record their own speeches as videos or guest post
  • Build relationships with social media influencers who can spread your news for you

Many brands are already experiencing beneficial results with these digital marketing methods. To be successful, however, they have to be deliberate. Which means working with a budget, having a strategy for how, where and who you will target and how you intend to measure success.

Connecting With Clients

In a period of uncertainty like this, silence can be the most harmful response. If your brand neglects to address essential issues, the dialogue is going to continue anyway without your insight. Your clients will be searching for answers anywhere they can find them and inaccurate information can flourish in the absence of correct advice.

Regardless of who your clients are, they're going to expect to hear a positive reaction from you. They are going to want to know some fundamental information, such as:

  • What your business is doing to help your staff and the public stay safe
  • If any recent events affect your operations or activities
  • How you're going to be managing refunds
  • What they might expect from you in the near future

You really need a plan for replying to employee questions, client inquiries and media requests. Your marketing agency can assist you to establish messaging and share it on all channels, such as your website, social media and email etc.

Remaining "Front of Mind" For Prospects

Regardless that your clients may not be buying at the moment, it's possible to remain at the front of their minds by thinking about their requirements and supplying value during these difficult times.

Informative, instructional content that helps to resolve their most urgent issues will invariably be in high demand. Same goes for inspirational videos, imaginative designs and creative ideas shared by your business.

Whilst the coronavirus has already had a considerable affect on the business community and the current economic climate, your business really has many opportunities to support your clients and potential clients through this mayhem. Even though it really is disheartening to retreat from face-to-face connections, you can in part counter that impact by increasing your online presence.

If you'd like help preparing for your next step or re-evaluating visiting your marketing strategy in reaction to the coronavirus crisis, Real Inbound is here to help.


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