Strategy & Planning: Setting You Up to Achieve Inbound Success

All businesses are composed of many moving parts, and building a predictable, repeatable business model is a matter of getting all those parts working in harmony. That takes time and effort, and there are always going to be bumps in the road. You can't scale quickly or easily without a well-oiled machine, so be patient and put in the work required to build a solid foundation. With a clear process in place, you'll be able to focus on acquiring new customers and growing your business

With Real Inbound, we typically work on a retainer basis to make sure our clients succeed in inbound marketing. We help them develop and execute a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy that includes everything from content creation and SEO to lead generation and lead nurturing. By working with us on an ongoing basis, our clients are able to focus on running their business while we handle all the details of their inbound marketing. This allows them to see consistent results and continue to grow their business year after year.

We're always striving to give our clients the best possible experience, and that starts with making sure that any expectations about our partnership are clear from the beginning.

This article aims to establish a successful and enduring partnership between us. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to discuss anything further.

Your Must-Attend Workshop

We always start our partnerships off right with a workshop that help us to understand your business and customers better so that we can form a strategy tailored just for you. The workshop aims to understand and develop the following:

  • Positioning and Messaging - to help us understand how you want to be seen by your target market
  • Buyer Personas - to get to know your ideal customer
  • Content - to learn more about the kind of content that will be the most valuable to your customers 
  • Inbound Strategy - so we can form a plan for how we'll attract the right kind of customers to your business


Ideally, a successful workshop should be led by a Real Inbound strategist, along with members of your senior management team, such as the CEO, head of sales, head of marketing, and head of the customer service. Not to mention, other individuals from vital roles in your sales, marketing, and customer service teams should also participate.

The duration: 

The average session lasts about half a day, but it can be broken down into to shorted staged sessions if that suits your diary more.


We understand that not everyone learns in the same way or has the same schedule. That's why we offer these workshops in a variety of ways to accommodate everyone. We can hold them at your offices or another venue of your choice. If you're worried about fitting it into your schedule, don't worry! We've also delivered staged workshops remotely via video conferencing.

Positioning & Messaging

In our experience, most organisations know their company's functions and processes, but very few understand the initial purpose or reasoning - the "why" behind it all. As Simon Sinek so wisely put it, people don't buy into WHAT you do, they're much more likely to buy into WHY you do it. With that in mind, it's easy to see how a disconnect could form between a company and its customers if the former believes the latter cares about one thing when they value something else entirely. We look to bridge that gap by focusing on your company’s value proposition, positioning and messaging.


Our messaging framework is designed to help all of our clients with information such as value proposition, positioning, tone of voice etc., to create consistent, cohesive sales and marketing collateral.

Buyer Personas

Building your buyer personas is just as important as knowing who you are as a business. The details matter when it comes to developing these characters and it's crucial to take a deep dive into who your ideal customers might be. Personas are never really "finished" and can always be refreshed, tweaked, or changed as much as needed. Remember that your personas should be constantly evolving along with your business!

  • In what age group are they?
  • How far along are they in their career?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • How do they plan to achieve their goals and what drives them?
  • How do buyers face challenges at each stage of their journey?


The purpose of this activity is to create real, finalised buyer personas that we will document and deliver back to you. We want to get your sign-off on these personas, which should be validated by your customers feedback, stakeholders, and employees. As soon as they are finalised, they will be an integral part of your messaging framework.


Once we have your positioning and buyer personas clear, we will dive deep into the content and brand story of your company. This will help us to develop a strong and consistent message that resonates with your target audience. We will also create high-quality content that is designed to engage and convert your prospects into customers.

Our focus will be on

  • Your content's key areas of focus
  • Keeping up to date with industry news and events
  • Content creation process you currently use.
  • Content/media consumption patterns of your audience


Your success with content marketing depends on your ability to connect your company's values to what your target audience cares about. The information gathered here will help to shape the messaging framework and inbound strategy. Having a coordinated, company-wide content strategy is essential to making this connection and achieving success.

Inbound Strategy

Inbound strategy focusses on how it all relates to your business, sales, and marketing goals. We know that it can be difficult to align all of the previous information discussed, so our goal is to partner with you and help make the process as seamless as possible. We want to be an extension of your business and team, whether that means handling your marketing function as a whole or supporting your existing sales and marketing teams.


We will explore the types of inbound marketing and inbound sales activities necessary to reach your goals, along with the responsibilities associated with each. For example, who will manage your social media accounts? Who will create your content? Who will pass on leads to sales, and who will be in charge of lead nurturing?


We'll base your inbound plan on these findings and deliver a comprehensive document that outlines the best strategy to achieve your goals and grow your business. You should expect to receive this document within two weeks after the workshop. If you have any questions, we'll be more than happy to answer them.

If You Need Help with Anything Inbound or HubSpot Reach Out

We believe that communication is key to any partnership - be it personal or professional. At our company, we value transparency and aim to help our clients generate reliable revenue growth by teaching them how to have conversations with their more impactful customers. We believe that by investing in communication, we can create relationships that are more successful and sustainable in the long run.


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