What is a marketing strategy anyway?

It's time to dive into the heart of strategy. When it comes to crafting a strategy, I am a firm advocate of the KISS principle - keep it simple, stupid! After all, simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.

A strategy is essentially a roadmap that outlines how you plan to achieve your goals. In the realm of marketing, this means addressing crucial questions such as: Who is our target audience? How do we plan to engage with them effectively?

But marketing isn't just about reaching out to potential customers; it's about building relationships that lead to sales and loyal customers. So, our marketing strategy must also encompass how we will make our audience:

  • Like us,
  • Trust us,
  • Choose to do business with us.
  • Choose to do business with us again and again

It's about creating a connection that goes beyond a simple transaction - it's about fostering love and loyalty.

And let's not forget the power of referrals. A successful marketing strategy should also consider how to encourage satisfied customers to spread the word about our products and services to their network.

In my experience, we spend a lot of time wondering how to bring people into our business, and not nearly enough on how do we keep the business we've already won happy and happy to promote us to their networks. 

So, as we delve into the world of strategy, it's important to remember that it's not just about the plan itself, but the execution and the impact it has on building lasting relationships with our customers.

And hey, you'll notice we haven't even touched on HubSpot yet! Thats a whole other ball game. and its really important that you dont conflate your HubSpot (or other CRM) strategy with your marketing strategy. 

Simply put, HubSpot is a tool, not a strategy. We use it to help us execute on our strategy for sure, but no matter how good your CRM is, or how many fancy tools it has, its not a replacement for a well thought out plan. 

Tony Dowling

FCIM | HubSpot Platinum Partner | Revenue Consultant | HubSpot Certified Trainer | South Wales HUG Leader | Tony@realinbound.co.uk | 07812 582213