11 Things Our Most Successful Clients Do to Maximise Social Media

Any worthwhile marketing strategy is a collaborative undertaking between a clientele and the marketing experts they retain to design and execute their strategy. Once you enlist us for your social media marketing needs, we’ll get moving straight away building a quality, relevant community around your brand. While we are dealing with our part, there are some basic things that most of our more successful customers do to maximise our efforts: 

  1. Determine the 2-3 networks your business should focus on. It is better to choose two solid networks than to post invaluable content on every network just to have a presence. Quality over quantity!
  2. Promote your pages to friends and family. Send a text message, make a phone call, or make a post on your personal social media pages.
  3. Add links on your other social media accounts. Utilise your personal pages for this if you can, and link to all your pages in your Facebook Business Page.
  4. Email your list. If you have an email list, even if it only consists of people, you know right now, send them a quick email and ask them to like and follow your pages.
  5. Add links in your company signature. Do this for your own signature and all employees, whether they are customer-facing or not.
  6. Add social icon buttons to your website. Make sure they are in the header of your site so they will show on every page a visitor view. This can also help your Google search results.
  7. Add social sharing buttons to all blog posts on your website, allowing readers to like of share the post.
  8. Add social media links to marketing materials. Make sure links are clickable or use QR codes.
  9. If we will not be handling your social media engagement, put together a plan for handling that on your end. Respond to all comments and DMs within 1-2 hours, or within 24 hours max.
  10. Set aside at least 20 minutes per day to engage with other pages on the networks you’re using for your own business. Watch their Stories or Lives, read their posts and comment with genuine positivity, follow them if they fit your niche. This is an easy way to show you are human, and the algorithm rewards this.
  11. Create a cloud folder filled with your logo, images from your website, photos you have saved that relate to your business, reviews and testimonials, and anything else we should include in your posts.

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Mark Hullin

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