12 most effective marketing automation techniques for lead nurturing - Part 2

Following on from my last blog.... let’s look at the next 6 most effective marketing automation techniques for lead nurturing.

7 Get serious about segmentation

In keeping with the principle of personalisation, is sending tailored lead nurturing content to incredibly targeted email database segments.

Marketing automation tools and CRM platforms are developed to pimp your nurturing strategies with all the knowledge available about a lead. So rather than emailing a group of individuals with not much more than job descriptions in common, you may want to use deeper insights and organise exceptionally targeted email nurturing prospect lists.

For instance, rather than sending the very same email to leads with job title of marketing directors, send customised emails to marketing directors in the engineering sector in Scotland who've been looking for ways to improve their lead conversions.

8 Keep track of the buyer’s journey

What makes an individual a lead is that they have already started along their buyers’ journey. They've exhibited a desire for or interest in your specific product or service, and now you're ready to help them to select you over your competitors.

The way in which you do this is to nurture them along that journey. By way of their actions, they are going to signal what they're thinking, and you can establish these actions as indicators for how and when to engage them.

Within the framework of automation, these actions are known as trigger events. They let your platform be aware that the lead is ready for the right message to progress them to the next phase of the sales funnel.

9 A simple and crystal-clear call to action (CTA)

A great CTA can mean the difference between converting a new prospective lead and losing them. With regards to lead nurturing, what use is a fantastic persuasive message if you prepare your lead to a desired action if they have no idea as to how to do it?

Your CTA must be obviously noticeable in the layout of your landing page or email, and it also needs to simply explain the next step in that lead’s buyer journey. A straightforward “Start Now” button is perfect for diverse marketing messages, however, to nurture a lead, it's essential to connect to that individual and in context of their funnel location.

For example, does the content provide an offer code? If that's the case, your CTA needs to say something such as “Get MY Code”. Does the content compel the lead to discover more about your offer? If that's so, your CTA might manage that with a message such as “Get My Free Trial.”

10 Imaginative applications of images and videos

Images and videos can be a great way to present your leads with persuasive content that captures their attention as they start to move through the funnel.

Research suggests that when a person listens to information, they will remember around 10% in 3 days’ time. However, they will remember approx. 65% after 3 days if that information is combined with an appropriate image.

It’s essential to your lead nurturing initiatives that your visual material is relevant to your communication. Eye-tracking research has revealed that readers spend more time browsing through images compared to reading text when they are pertinent to the copy. Don't forget to make them appealing but ensure they are in-line with the objective of your lead nurturing campaign.

11 Retarget

You may miss a prospective buyer during their “purchase-window” for some reason, but that does not mean they're not qualified. It simply means you have another opportunity to convert them.

Fundamentally that lead will carry on their way along the funnel (If they haven’t already selected your competition), you will observe further chances to connect with them whenever their purchase window opens once more.

Consider the buyer’s journey a flexible route, one that allows your leads to skip back a few stages if they want to learn more and reassess.

12 Scoring to qualify

And finally.... Lead scoring enables marketers to precisely determine when nurtured leads are qualified and ready to be handed over to sales for outreach. You can award points to leads for a range of actions, including:

  • Opening and clicking emails
  • Browsing "high-value" web pages
  • Completing forms on landing pages
  • Registering events, such as webinars
  • Requesting product demos

It’s crucial to set s score threshold for when a lead is perceived as marketing qualified. You should discuss with sales to determine which actions merit what score, and at what score a lead is regarded as marketing or sales qualified.

The conclusion

These are some of my favourite MA tools for effective lead nurturing. Like most things, testing is key. Each database includes various types of individuals who may require different methods of communication. A/B testing is a smart way to focus in on what’s performing most efficiently for your audience.

Remember: A lead might convert to a customer, but you should still be nurturing them to grow the relationship and they may become repeat purchasers or advocates of your brand.


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