20 Superhero Secrets to Grow B2B Website Visitors - Part 1

Ask any marketing director or CEO how to become the boards superhero and their answer is likely to be “more customers”. Next on the list is typically, "more website traffic". There are actually many different ways to grow B2B website visitors for your business, so let's take a look at some of the best methods.

1 Let's get more social

It’s insufficient to simply create great content and hope that your prospects find it. Undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to increase website visitors is to exploit social media networks to showcase your content. For example Twitter is perfect for brief, clever and enticing links, while LinkedIn supports your website in more personalised search results and performs more efficiently for B2B websites.

2 Content Diversity

Regardless of what many so called experts say, you will find there's no miracle blend of content for success. Consequently, fluctuate the length and style of your content offers and posts, to ensure that it is as attractive as possible to more of your target audience. Sprinkle more brief, information type blog articles with longer content, video and infographics for optimum affect.

3 Compose Enticing Blog Titles

Titles are probably the primary components of all your content material. Even the most interesting, detailed and well research blog article can go unread without a persuasive title. The world's leading news blogs frequently compose more than 20 different titles prior to deciding which one they believe will attract the most readers - think twice before publishing.

4 Don't forget your On-Page SEO

Optimising your website pages for search engines remains an essential and beneficial exercise. Don't forget to; optimise your image alt text, place internal website links to new and existing content and blogs and spend time composing your meta descriptions to drive more click through. On-page SEO doesn't take long, so what are you waiting for, review your pages and start enhancing your natural website traffic.

5 Keep your tails long

Research and analyse your industry, competitors and businesses high value keywords, then commit time to expand and evolve targeted long-tail keywords. The bulk of search engine results are made up of long-tail keywords. Failure to focus on these as an element of your SEO initiatives is likely to deliver poor results.

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6 Guest Blogging for brand awareness

Writing a guest blog on a trustworthy, established website can grow website visitors for your blog and website while also raising brand awareness and authority simultaneously. However, be careful, guest blogging guidelines have changed drastically over the years and spam like practices can mean you end up in hot water with search engine.

7 Give and take guest bloggers

Guest blogging is about give and take. Invite other bloggers in your market to write guest blog articles on your website. These guest bloggers will be more inclined to share and link to their guest content, which will draw new targeted website traffic to your site. Ensure that you post premium, original interesting content with no spam like links.

8 LinkedIn for growth

LinkedIn has grown to become far more than a method of job hunting. The biggest professional social network has become one of the most effective publishing network, consequently you need to be publishing content on LinkedIn frequently. Linkedin will help grow B2B website visitors to your website, in addition to augmenting your brand presence and authority in your market.

9 Link inside and out

The power of your link profile isn’t exclusively dictated by backlinks from other websites to your website. Your internal page to page linking strategy can impact your profile. Whenever composing and posting new content, ensure you watch out for internal linking opportunities. This helps with natural SEO and improves overall user experience, the foundation for growing website traffic.

10 Email Marketing hits the Bull’s-eye

Email marketing is potentially the most powerful tool in your inbound marketing kit. Customised email nurturing tailored to each lead's queries, issues and challenges at every stage of buying cycle helps to ensure prospects that have already connected with you, continue to engage and easily share your content with their networks driving additional visitors.

I hope you find this post of value, watch out for part 2 soon. In the meantime I would really be interested to know your experiences and ideas for growing your targeted traffic.

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